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Our Pricing

Supplying the very best at the very best prices

How much do you spend on a single cocktail on a night out? £6, Â£7, Â£8? At alcohol express the most we will charge for a single cocktail is £2.  


We have done calculations to ensure we can give you the exact measurements of the highest quality ingredients as cheaply as possible.  Instead of you having to purchase a large quantity of each ingredient you need, we cut out that extra cost meaning you only need to pay for the exact amount of ingredients you need.  A large chunk of the price of our products is the equipment we supply for you, the cocktail shaker and reusable cocktail plastic cups which you need to make and serve your cocktails.  However if you are happy with your products and want to repeat your custom, we offer refill packages where you can purchase just the ingredients without the equipment.  This means once you have your equipment you don't need to pay for it again.  


We also offer a student discount of 10% for students to pimp their nights out at a fair cost.  


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